Contemporary Controls' pre-built applications make it easy to utilize their BACnet/IP and MS/TP Sedona Unitary controllers in constant volume air-handling, fan coil, and heat pump applications.
With the development a new pre-built application, FCU3, our BASpi-Edge controller (with 6UI/4 relay/2 analog out) can now be made into a configurable controller for 2-pipe or 4-pipe fan coil applications. The BASPI-E6U4R2A is a hardened, cloud connected BACnet controller that is powered by Raspberry Pi, with enhanced features and data processing at the Edge.
Like their other pre-built apps, FCU3 is available as a free download from their website and comes with supporting documentation. Using the BAScontrol Toolset, a systems integrator can modify the sequence and the underlying control code to meet the needs of the application. Once developed and tested, a complete project backup can be made using BASbackup.
One of the most common HVAC applications is the fan coil. The FCU applications support a 20-point controller, a 22-point controller, and now the BASpi-Edge 12-point cloud connected controller. The supply fan can be single speed, multi-speed, or variable speed. Dependent upon the piping, the fan coil can be dedicated to either chilled water cooling or hot water heating, or simultaneous heating and cooling. There is a choice of modulating or staged heating/cooling up to two stages. An output exists for binary ventilation control.

Contemporary Controls also offers pre-built apps for constant volume air handlers and constant volume heat pumps.
Constant Volume Air Handlers
The constant volume CvRTU series of pre-built applications has been replaced with a new CvAHU series which includes three new macros—Staged Heat/Cool, Wall Setter, and Economizer. The targeted constant volume applications have not changed.
Constant Volume Heat Pumps
There are four possible applications. Three apps support the 22-point controllers, and the fourth supports a 20-point controller. All are intended for a single-speed supply fan. The exhaust port can be barometric, powered, or none at all. There is a single stage of DX heating or cooling. For colder climates, auxiliary heating can be produced with modulating or dual-staged heating. An output exists for binary ventilation control.
Please contact us if you would like any more information about this new application.