
Dealing with Duplicates: Fixing BACnet Addressing Issues with OptigoVN
Duplication issues can be tricky to diagnose and cause some serious issues: they can occur across many different hardware scenarios, and they tend not to show up as a clear indicator in manual troubleshooting procedures.
Troubleshooting a BACnet network is like being a detective. To quote the great TV detective Columbo, “There’s a reasonable explanation for everything if you just put your mind to it.” So, when things start acting “weird” on your BACnet system, there’s almost always a “reasonable” explanation for what’s happening. In our experience, duplicate BACnet addressing is one of the first reasonable things to look for.
Troubleshooting a BACnet network is like being a detective. To quote the great TV detective Columbo, “There’s a reasonable explanation for everything if you just put your mind to it.” So, when things start acting “weird” on your BACnet system, there’s almost always a “reasonable” explanation for what’s happening. In our experience, duplicate BACnet addressing is one of the first reasonable things to look for.