Upgrade your Niagara AX before it is no longer supported on July 1, 2023

Niagara Framework® is at the center of a loyal community of users. We would like every member to experience Niagara to the fullest — which means you should be running Niagara 4.

To help you along that journey, Tridium is offering a significant discount on the list price of core Niagara 4 software when you upgrade your JACE®. Also, any customer that takes advantage of this program is eligible for a 5-year Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for the price of an 18-month SMA on the upgraded JACE.

Niagara customers with older JACEs from the Model 2, Model 3, Model 6
or Model 7 families that upgrade to a JACE that supports Niagara 4 are
eligible for the following discount:

  • From February 1, 2023, to June 30, 2023, 40% off core Niagara Framework software, plus a 5-Year SMA for the price of 18 months of coverage
  • From July 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023, 25% off core Niagara Framework software, plus a 5-Year SMA for the price of 18 months of coverage

Download the program information flyer for more details.