Introducing TosiControl - The New User Experience for the Tosibox Platform

Introducing an entirely new and modern user experience for the Tosibox Platform, setting the new high standard for managing your OT network. General availability is in Q3/2023.

• New web based user interface

• Simplified way to manage organizations, users and roles

• Visibility over the entire network

TosiControl is a web based user interface that provides a new topological view of the entire organization network, visualizing relations between the components, users, sites, and more. This new control layer enables our customers to visualize and manage the network and users with associated keys.

It initially contains a mechanism to view the network structure, but it will evolve into being a situation-aware view of the network with enhanced ability to perform management and maintenance tasks.

For answers to the most popular questions about this new platform, check out Tosibox FAQ's.