Niagara Data Service is now available with live read-write APIs!

Niagara Data Service extends API-based access to contextualized Niagara data.

Niagara Data Service is a SaaS offering within the Niagara Cloud Suite™ that builds upon the openness and extensibility of Niagara Framework®. Niagara Data Service is designed to support the systems integration and solution development services of our partners, as well as the strategies and software choices of end-customers.

Historical data that originates from on-premise control networks is made accessible via the Niagara Cloud management portal and APIs. Likewise, Niagara Data Service includes Read-Write APIs that can be used by client applications to deliver live data to overlay analytics applications. Applications can send back changes to supervisory control in response to analysis of observed conditions in near real-time.

Niagara Data Service subscribers can upload, store and analyze trend data from Niagara Supervisors and JACE® controllers, complete with associated model data. Niagara Data Service delivers rich data ready for down-stream applications to ingest and analyze. Tags and relations are maintained to drive analytics and AI/machine-learning algorithms. NDS preserves investment in standardized tagging and other data preparation work. Do it once at the Niagara BMS level and reap value every time the data is accessed, analyzed and presented by overlay applications.


  • Callable storage and query analytics services for Niagara trend data
  • Histories that retain full semantics based on owner tagging strategy
    • Ontologies such as Project Haystack and Brick Schema are supported
  • Data Model Export via API
  • Query directly from dashboards and analytics/machine-learning (ML) tools designed and built by Niagara Partners or Business Intelligence (BI) tools of customer choice
  • Live read & write of data via API empowers developers to build seamless workflows that rely on interactive real-time data exchange with Niagara supervisory control

For more information about Niagara Data Service, check out the Product Page or contact us for more information.